Parallels H-Sphere has an advanced mail system that is easy to manage.
Click the Mail Info menu to manage your account mail services from the Mail controls page:
- Mail domains: a mail domain whose mail resources you can manage and view on the mail domain controls page. To manage mail resources on your other domains, choose it from the drop- down list and click Go.
- Incoming POP3 Server and Outgoing (SMTP) Server: to deliver mail from and to your mail resources.
- Login: sign into your mailbox or change its password from outside your control panel.
- Change Mailbox Password Link: change mailbox password without logging into Parallels H- Sphere control panel.
- Mail traffic: traffic run up by incoming and outgoing mail on the mail domain it is displayed for.
Mind that it also includes traffic generated by incoming spam or virus messages the system deletes. - Mail relay: switch ON the option to ensure incoming mail is kept on the mail relay server, if your primary mail server goes down.
- AntiSpam: this resource filters and deletes incoming spam messages. Antispam can be added for all mailboxes or for all mail resources.
- AntiVirus: this resource checks incoming mail for viruses. Antivirus can be added for all mailboxes or for all mail resources.
- SPF:determines rules to be used by your corresponding mail servers to check whether e-mails received from your mail domain are forgery or not.
- Mail domain aliases: aliases of your mail domain
- New E-mail Setup Functions: links to create new mail resources.
- [A] ... [Z] first-letter navigation links to the rest of your mail resources (based on alphabetical sorting)
- [Prev] [1] [2] ... [Next] navigation links to the rest of your mail resources. Appear if there are more than 10 mail resources on the maildomain)
- E-mail: e-mail address of mail resources on the mail domain.
- Resources included: mail resources working on this e-mail address.
- Properties:properties of mail resources working on this e-mail address:
- mailbox quota usage
- sign in the mailbox
- Catch All. This property is set on a mailbox level to catch all mail sent to non-existent mail addresses at this domain. It can be enabled only for one mailbox per domain. It can't be enabled on other mail objects like mail alias, forward, responder.
- discard all incoming email
- add subscribers/moderators/trailer to a mailing list
- delete all mail resources working on the e-mail address