Accessing Your SSH Account Print

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To request shell access to the server:

  1. Select FTP User in the FTP menu.
  2. Enable Shell Access and administrator will receive the request on his control panel.
  3. Agree with charges, if any.
  4. Click the Request Status link that appeared to learn if your request has been processed by administrator. Depending on the request status, the Request status will show up as not reviewed by administrator or granted by administrator.
  5. If shell access is granted by administrator, it turns ON and opens you access to the server.

Important: Parallels H-Sphere 3.1+ users with SSH access enabled will be automatically limited to their home directory. This is done for security reasons, in order to restrict users from running certain commands and accessing system directories. However, users will still be able to create, copy, move, rename and delete files and directories and run a variety of utilities and file managers:

  • Utilities: cat, echo, ln, mkdir, ps, rm, sh, cp, date, kill, ls, mv, pwd, rmdir, sleep, md5/md5sum, ping, awk, diff, find, id, sed, tar, whereis, basename, dirname, grep, ldd, sort, touch, which, cut, du, head, more, tail, vi, whoami, clear.
  • File managers: mc, ytree, vifm, deco.

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