Updating osCommerce to 2.2-MS2 Print

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osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 contains lots of bugfixes, so if you run the prior version, we highly recommend updating your online store building software to version 2.2-MS2.

To update osCommerce to version 2.2-MS2:

  1. Back up all your custom osCommerce settings.
  2. In your control panel, go to the osCommerce settings page.
  3. Choose the domain you are running your online store on and click the Edit icon. That will update osCommerce scripts.
  4. Click the Upgrade icon. This will update osCommerce database:

Please make sure that your current osCommerce version is older than 2.2-MS2 before performing the upgrade.

When updating osCommerce IGNORE the following message:

Warning:Installation directory exists at:/hsphere/local/home/your_account_name/domain_name/catalog/install.

Please remove this directory for security reasons. Complete the update and only then remove this directory.

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